Relaxing massage
Whilst a massage session can help you to relax, there are a number of additional benefits to massage. Massage can help alleviate stress and anxiety, reduce headaches, increase blood circulation, and ease muscle pain. The relaxing massage uses seseme oil and essential oils to enhance relaxation.
€35 for 35 minutes (back side)
€50 for 60 minutes (full body)
€75 for 90 minutes (full body including head and face)
Body scrub, mud pack and massage
A great treatment for the whole body leaving the skin smooth, nourished and hydrated. Perfect for that pre-holiday skin.
Treatment includes the following:
- Thalasso salt scrub
- Sesame oil full body massage
- Black mud treatment (using black mud from Cyprus rich in minerals, vitamins and enzymes)
- This treatments involves showering
Cost: €80.00
Duration: ± 90 minutes
Foot spa treatment
This Lakshmi foot spa treatment gives the feet some well deserved attention.
Treatment includes the following:
- Thyme and Lavender foot bath to soften the skin
- Scrub to exfoliate the skin to remove dead skin cells
- Skin file and callus scraping
- Foot massage to stimulate the blood flow and energise the feet
- Nourishing foot cream before attending to the toes
- Nail shaping, cuticle treatment and basic nail polish on request (please bring your own polish)
Cost: €45.00
Duration: ± 60 minutes